Thursday, April 22, 2010

Freddie Mclair

Freddie Mclair

Freddie happily skates around, smoking weed with his mates, and staying cool. He has problems taming his crazy friend Cook, who is not afraid to do anything. His other best friend JJ is an integral part of their friendship, as he acts as a mediator whenever there is a fight between Cook and Freddie. In the third series, Freddie's relationship with his family is strained due to his sister Karen attempting to use their mother's death in order to become famous. However, in the fourth series, he and Karen are much closer, having resolved all their differences.
Much of the third series deals with Freddie's romantic feelings for Effy and how that affects Cook, who also has fallen in love with her. Effy's decision to start a relationship with Cook although she has feelings for Freddie begins to deteriorate the friendship between Cook and Freddie. By the end of the series, Effy's choice in which she picks Freddie, pretty much destroys his friendship with Cook.
In the fourth series, Freddie and Effy both deal with the fallout of her decision, and thus are unsure how to talk to Cook. Throughout the series, Freddie and Cook's relationship is still strained, due to Cook's lingering feelings for Effy. Similarly, his relationship with Effy is put to the test when she starts having a mental breakdown; he's not sure whether he is strong enough to stay or if he's not able to handle it.

Unknown to everyone, John Foster is obsessed with Effy and was using his"alternative" methods in order to keep her (making her forget everyone else she ever loved). Because of this, Freddie, after getting a phone call from Foster, goes and confronts Foster without telling anyone. When he reaches Foster's house, he yells at Foster to leave Effy alone and that no one wants him around her. Foster pretends to be okay with this, and promises to back off. However, when Freddie leaves to open the door of the room, he finds it locked. He's confused on why and attempts to open it. Foster, meanwhile, comes up behind him with a baseball bat. We then cut to a scene of the basement door, with John beating Freddie brutally, with Freddie yelling and blood hiting the window, he keeps beating the now silent Freddie.

To cover his crime, Foster planted evidence that make it seem that Freddie had run away, not being able to deal with Effy's problems. Most of the gang believes this explanation, however Karen is the first person to realize something is off, as most of his things (including his favorite shirt) are still in his room.
When Katie talks to Effy, she said she can hear Freddie talking to her in her head. Later, Karen finds evidence that makes her think that something more sinister happened to Freddie and talks to Cook. When Cook tries to tell her to accept that Freddie ran away, she attacks him. She tells him that if Cook was really Freddie's friend, he would look for him, as Freddie did for Cook in "Finale" (episode 3.10). She gives the evidence she found to Cook, and tells him that he should read it and see if it changes him mind.
The evidence turns out to be Freddie's notebook, that all pages are filled up stating "I Love Effy", however on one of the pages, Freddie's wrote in black sharpie "John Foster wants to hurt Effy". This causes Cook to realize that Freddie's disappearance might have to do with Foster, and he cries, realizing how badly he left his friendship with Freddie. Cook brings his suspicions to Effy, but he does not share it with the rest of the gang.
The gang decides to throw a party in Freddie's shed to celebrate his birthday and to honor him. Cook, viewing a picture of him, Freddie, and JJ decides to look for clues about Freddie's disappearance. When he goes outside the shed to pee, he sees Foster, watching the party going on in the shed. Without being seen, Cook follows Foster back to his home and breaks into the basement. When he starts looking through the boxes, he sees a bag full of bloody clothes, and realizes they are Freddie's. After a confrontation with Foster, and finding out Foster killed Freddie, Cook attacks him, and most probably kills him, avenging Freddie's death.

Effy Stonem

Effy Stonem

Effy is Tony Stonem's tearaway sister and one of the only people whom he truly cares about. Tony seems quite proud of her sneaking out of the house to go clubbing, having sex, and partying, and has helped her on more than one occasion to deceive their parents. The official website characterizes her by placing the primary cast as "sugar and spice and all things nice" compared to "Tony's little sister and her shadowy ways." It is apparent that she enjoys going out at night and partying, wearing skimpy, sexy outfits. She also rarely speaks in the first series, marking the episode "Effy" the first she speaks, where she describes how she feels towards others, in which she laments.
"Sometimes I think I was born backwards... you know, come out of my mum the wrong way. I hear words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate, and the people I hate..." — Effy
Tony sarcastically comments that she is participating in a sponsored silence. When asked by Michelle why she never speaks, she simply doesn't answer. On her blog she says that her parents had her see a counselor for withholding her speech. There is implication however, in the first episode and others, that she does speak to her parents only occasionally, although after Tony's accident she starts speaking again. Expressing her feelings of dislike to Tony, he snidely remarks to her that she "doesn't fool him".
Effy is one of few characters in the series who has broken the fourth wall, having looked straight at the camera and commenting or smirking in some episodes.
On her official Skins page, Effy claims she is distantly related to the 17th century French aristocrat called Cecile DeLacroix, who was beheaded during the French Revolution. She also says her favourite smell is petrol, and describes a peculiar talent of being able to pick up objects with her toes. Her best friend is odd girl Pandora Moon, who despite their differences, "gives the detached and cool Effy a heart"

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Disuruh Bikin Entri Baru Nih..

Apaan ya? nggak ada yang spesial buat dibicarain ato apalah.. cuma kaget dikit aja sama hari ni. Eh, ngomong ngomong, doain yoy mama papaku bisa sampe di Medan dgn slamat n sehat walafiat. Kata mama hasil tes papaku agak.. gimana gitu.. tapi mudah mudahan nggak ada hal lain yang lebih buruk lagi. Amin, Ya Allah.
Aduh, bener bener gugup lah, nunggu ortuku pulang dari Penang. Gimana keadaan papaku sekarang? kenapa papa sama mama nggak ada ngabarin? wah, penuh dengan penyesalan deh, entri satu ni.

Eh, eh.. novelku udah setengah buku. Insya Allah bisa terbit deh ntar lagi. hahaha, udah seru ni ceritanya. judulnya? 60 Seconds To Hell. mungkin temen temen skolahku uda pada tau ttg ni novel. tapi ceritanya aku ubah loooo... jadi jangan dilewatin dulu bagian awal yang udah dibaca, oke oke?

Khusus entri pertama sama entri yang satu ni boring dulu yoy.. soalnya pake kompie sekolah. jadi ngga bisa masukin lagu atau foto. nikmatin aja deh tulisan tulisannya. ehehe..

eh, ada yang ulang taon gag hari ni? ngggg.... coba cek schedule dulu yoy.. haha :p
oh, gag ada. mungkin orang luar negri kali?
alah, gak penting.

oh! hari ni ultah karakter novelku, Blake Zylkher, tgl 16 Januari. Wahay, baru inged.
met ultah ya Blake, meskipun kau hanyalah karakter di novel yang tidak nyata. haha.

udah deh. segitu aja dulu. toh, ni cuma disuruh guru buat entri baru. jadi gag usah panjang panjang. aku masi mo ngedit blogku. oke oke?

C U babai
"My Destiny Is You"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Try Out

CUAPEEEEKKK!! Beneran deh! Try Out tadi pagi emang siksaan buatku. Gimana pulak sama warga Hartig yang laen? Pening, kesel, marah, capek semuanya bercampur jadi satu kayak adonan kue! Soalnya ada 100, waktu yang dikasih 2 jam. Emang udah wajar sih, tapi sussahnya itu looooo! Bener bener gila! Nyesel deh nggak ngikutin kata kata si Aga di FB kemaren.. Hah! jadi kena batunya deh! Ya Allah.. semoga aja nilaiku semua ntar tuntas, lulus, dan aku bisa menghilangkan semua rasa khawatir ini tanpa kena marah ortu! Aissshh.. kira kira Hartig buka ngga kalo Minggu? Soalnya lapangan basket puri bener2 angker, dan aku NGGAK AKAN pernah lagi masuk ke situ! Percaya ngga percaya, emang banyak penghuni yang berkeliaran di sekitar situ. Terutama anak cewek yang katanya mati diperkosa, trus dibunuh.. serem deh pokoknya! Jadiiii.. selain menderita karena Try Out tadi pagi, juga menderita karna ngga bisa maen basket!! Iiss.. moga moga laen kali bisa maen deh.. Buat para bapak bapak.. eh, satpam satpam Joki, minta tolong dong pak.. dibersihin tuh lapangan.. repot amat kan kalo harus bolak balik ke sekolah cuma untuk maen basket?? Ugh.. ayolah.. aku bener bener ngga tahan kalo sehari nggak bersentuhan dengan yang namanya bola basket! Serius!!

Apa lagi neh yang mo ditulis? O ya, woy.. kayaknya pas Try Out tadi, kelas tempatku ujian lah yang paling recok.. kelas laen kayaknya adem ayem aja.. apa gara gara ada si Wali? Ha, emang udah dasarnya kami ribut kali ya.. hehe..

Udah deh.. segitu dulu buat hari ini..
18 Oktober 2009,
Happy Birthday to my classmate, Atikah Syahrina Harahap
dan my idol, Zac Efron!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Entri Pertama

Belum ada yang pengen diceritain sekarang.. ya.. mau gimana.. soalnya cuma disuruh bikin blog sama pak Yusuf aja. Hehe, maap pak.. tapi beneran deh, nggak tau mau nulis apa!
Ya udahlah, cerita tentang lomba kemaren aja deh ya?
Iiiss.. beneran la.. anak Panca Budi itu keren keren kali lukisannya. Dan aku kembali berhadapan dengan lawanku di Provinsi waktu itu. Maya Anggiani. Awalnya sih, aku ngerasa nggak akan bisa ngalahin dia.. tapi ya.. harusss tetap berusaha kan?? Ya.. ya.. aku emang udah berusaha semampuku. Mengeluarkan semua kemampuanku. Yah, walaupun akhirnya juga kalah, tapi rasanya seneng aja, karena nggak minder dengan kemampuan sendiri. Mudah mudahan kita bisa ketemu lagi ya di pertandingan berikutnya! Dan mungkin, saat itu, akulah yang akan memegang piala terbesar~!!
O iya, ternyata di Panca Budi itu emang mau dibuat ekskul melukis. Kata Maya, karna guru gurunya nggak pande, dia sama Vanya yang bakalan jadi gurunya. Baguss.. baguss..
Tapi jangan mau kalah hartig!
Kita masih bisa menyaingi sekolah laen dalam bidang yang laen juga tentunya!
Heheheh.. Maju terus Hartig!!

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